Thursday, December 6, 2012

Reasons To Be Fit

There are many reasons to be fit and here is a list that resonates with me. I will update frequently and feel free to add your own in the comments : )

  1. Being fit means living a long healthy life, outside of a freak accident.
  2. I want to inspire others to know that they can achieve any goals they work for.
  3. To stop breathing heavily after a trip up the stairs in my house
  4. To wear a skirt/dress without leggings to prevent chubba rub
  5. To be able to wear clothes that fit, not that I can fit into. (There's a difference) 
  6. To be the best version of myself
  7. To prove doubters wrong
  8. Because for the first time in my life I am going to finish what I started
  9. To FINALLY wear a freaking BIKINI!
  10. To continue to see my progress pictures looking better and better
  11. To Shock old friends and acquaintances when they see me
  12. Endorphins! Duh! 
  13. The pain of being overweight outlasts the pain of exercise
  14. Because I deserve it!
  15. To motivate my mother 
  16. to prove that my genes don't dictate MY body

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

90 Days

It has been 90 Days since I started exercising 6 days a week and tracking calories. The changes that have occurred in my body are unreal. I never imagined seeing such a difference in my back! Check out the 90 Day Pics!